What tech stack did we choose:
There were some challenges such as:
the first app version that was developed before was old and inconvenient for clients.
Project Requirements Analysis and Business Intelligence:
Production and Solution development:
• negotiation, commercial offer;
• formation of UI components and adding API;
• full check, preparation of all working links, beta testing called Friends&Family (for us sent “live” SIM cards that were constantly changing).
• stabilization and improvement of solution functionality;
• gathered and analyzed the requirements for the project; implementation;
• preparation and legalization of documentation.
1. The number of users has reached 2X by integrating with the bank.
2. Launched the first version of MVP in 3 months.
3. Created an investment - attractive app that attracted a new round of investments for our client.
4. Increased the company’s income by selling SIM cards using the renewed mobile app.
lacking clear structure with delineation of responsibility (Web + Mobile + Security);
deficiencies in qualified technical staff.
1. Увеличить продажи SIM-карт и реализовать новый способ их заказа, создав мобильное приложение;
2. Увеличить число пользователей путем интеграции с банком и предоставив пользователям функционал банк-клиента;
3. Максимально сократить время разработки продукта, обеспечив проекту быстрый старт.
Какие бизнес задачи стояли?